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About WAMF 90.3 FM
WAMF 90.3 FM is a listener supported project of the Affiliated Media Foundation Movement (AMFM), a nonprofit 501c3.
We rely on donations and underwriting from our listeners and community to meet our operational costs. The DJ’s are all volunteers, and we offer programming that you will not find anywhere else.
You can help us stay on the air by making a donation to the station. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a difference! Please support community radio by sending donations to:
WAMF 2221 St. Claude Avenue New Orleans, LA 70117
Be sure to include a note telling us which programs you enjoy. We want to know!
Contact Email: wade@wamf.org
Station Number 504-605-0746
Live Call in 504-949-1730
(All donations are tax deductible.)
Use the button below for contributions towards the show of your choice.
Please write in the name of the show in the payment form.